Oakland University
As members of the fraternity/sorority community, Alpha Delta Pi is proud to welcome those who want to enhance their college experience as part of something bigger. We select and maintain membership on the basis of scholarship, leadership, commitment, and service to the work of the sorority, the university, and the community. Alpha Delta Pi actively encourages a membership which represents a diverse population and does not discriminate in membership selection procedures. Come home to Alpha Delta Pi and find women who are true and loyal, just like our blue and white colors represent. ADPi sisters are leaders and visionaries. We are SGA senators, artists, student athletes, and scholars. We are committed to sisterhood, values and ethics, high academic standards, and social responsibility. We committed to those when we established the first secret society for collegiate women in 1851 at the first university chartered to grant degrees to women. We are committed to them still today.
Are you interested in joining the first and finest sorority?! Alpha Delta Pi, at Oakland University does two recruitments. The first one, formal recruitment being held in the fall semester and the second being informal recruitment held in the winter. These are both such different but inclusive ways to get involved in greek life. Finalized dates for each recruitment are different every year, reach out to @adpiou on instagram for more details on each recruitment. We cant wait to meet you!